My grandma called a while back and asked if I had the perfect homeschool day, and I accidentally laughed out loud! I have never, and I don't think it exists (at least not in my house.) But of course we have days where things go relatively smoothly and days where it all seems unhinged. Regardless, we keep going.
About 16 years of homeschooling under my belt now, I've learned I love two things SO MUCH: 1) Routines, and 2) Breaks from routines. Ultimately the routine and the work and the chaos and the sacrifices and the plowing through, doing all the hard things, etc. make breaks soooo much sweeter!
So, I like to lean in to both. Enjoying the routine even in the hard days. A little done instead of a lot is still progress! A child struggling with a concept they seemed to know just fine last week will probably be all good again tomorrow. Take each day as it comes with a healthy dose of flexibility and find little ways to make your house feel like home for everyone there.
I remember last year when we did school by the pond while finding frogs and taking walks. We struggled to finish our plans and I would not have deemed it a success if I just looked at what I had hoped to accomplish that day and not at the good that actually happened. We only ended up at the pond because no one could focus and some bad attitudes were causing children to bicker and find any way to avoid school. But, looking at the big picture at the end of the day, it was a success. We enjoyed each other much more after getting into nature!
Some days we finish all our work hours ahead of schedule. Often, we don't. Even though I cannot predict what will happen, we will start as we always do and try to stay on plan, and make or find some beauty in the day, whether it goes my way or not. Overall, I want my kids to look back over their childhood as peaceful and carefree. And the part I can control is my attitude. A happy mom makes a happy home, so don't let the pursuit of perfection get in the way of the genuine good.